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CCGOTW: Gaelin Rosenwaks

16 December 2008 2,890 views One Comment
posted by wig

Name: Gaelin Rosenwaks
Age: 29
Location: New York City
Hometown: New York City

Hometown is NYC too?

Yep! Why else would I be here?
Have you ever lived anywhere else besides NYC?
Yes, many places. Should I list them all?
Nah, which was your favorite?
I lived on the beach in North Carolina for four years before I moved back here two years ago. That was pretty sweet just fishing and surfing.
Where on your journey did you start climbing?
In college back in Philly. A bunch of guys I met were super into it and got me involved. It was nice to escape the city but it was short lived. I graduated, tore up my shoulder snowboarding and my climbing career got put on hold until last summer when I decided my shoulder was healthy enough to give climbing a go again. I was really missing it. It had been about 8 years, so it was just time.
So you snowboard, surf and fish. Any other amazing talents you have?
Snowboarding and fishing are my two favorite things to do but I scuba dive a lot and explore the ocean.
Don’t you do that stuff for work or something?
Yes. I have a graduate degree in marine science and conservation. I was over academics so I started a company devoted to ocean exploration: Global Ocean Exploration Inc. The purpose is to bring cutting edge research expeditions to people through the web and other resources. Basically I go on expeditions and write, photograph and film them. It is pretty awesome. Our last expedition was up in the Bering Sea, and I am in the process of launching some webisodes of various expeditions. It was so awesome to be out on the ice only inches above the Bering Sea.I love that stuff. The more remote the better. My first job in oceanography was in Antarctica so everything else I do has to live up to that. It is pretty tough
I bet. How hard is it to stick to the climbing life in NYC?
It was easier in the summer but now it is tough. I find that I get wrapped up in work and planning expeditions. MPHC is my oasis in the city. It keeps me sane. I can be having the shittiest day but I head over there, climb, and I feel better. It is a great community, and I’m not all caught up in NYBullshit
You got a boyfriend over there?
No comment.
What kind of boy is someone like Gaelin Rosenwaks looking for?
I feel like I am going to regret answering this question, but super hot, fit and adventurous.
Where do you want to set up home base and grow old?
Not sure. If I knew, I would be there. I don’t think it is NYC, but NYC is home. I have always moved around a lot. If I could find the perfect mixture of mountains and ocean, I would be there. I definitely need a home in the mountains at some point in my life. I am missing carving some turns right about now.
Where does a name like Gaelin Rosenwaks come from and what does all that mean?
My mom and dad got creative with “Gaelin.” I would like to know what it means but haven’t been able to find out. My mom just liked it. My last name means “growing roses.”
Fishing, climbing, or snowboarding which would you do if you had to quit the other two?
Tough question. At different parts of my life I haven’t been able to do all of them because of injuries so I have to say I can’t choose.
Wuss. What’s the biggest fish you’ve ever caught?
A 500-pound bluefin tuna, (I used to study them), but my favorite fish was a 58-pound chinook salmon on super light tackle.
holy shit.
Well compared to a 500-pound bluefin reeling in a hot adventurous fit man should be no trouble. I figure the guy will only weigh somewhere from 140-180. All you have to use for bait is like a pair of cute underwear or maybe a piece of cake or pizza or something or maybe the jam you make. Tell me about your jam.
I started making jam when I was little with my mom and then a few years ago, I got really into preserving food. I love picking berries and other fruits so I put the two things together and started making tons of jam. Last summer, I made strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, plum and peach. I think I covered it. I have it down to a science now.
So let me get this straight. You make homemade jam, you climb, surf, snowboard, fish, go on Bering Sea type expeditions, have a kick ass exciting job, and you don’t have a boyfriend? Can they just not keep up?
It is tough to keep up with me. I don’t have patience for slackers.

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One Comment »

  • Matt
    Matt said:

    “If I could find the perfect mixture of mountains and ocean, I would be there.”

    Come to Vancouver. I live here for the perfect combination of the Ocean, the Mountains and the City.

    Ocean – 0 minutes away
    Squamish (climbing) – 45 minutes away
    Whistler (snow) – 60 minutes away



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