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CCGOTW: Kirsten

27 October 2009 3,641 views 8 Comments
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Name: Kirsten
Age: 20
Location: Edmond, Oklahoma

How long have you been climbing?
Since I was in middle school, but not seriously, just a couple trips and rock gyms.
Where’s the best place you’ve traveled for climbing?
Strictly for climbing? Well I’d say probably Hueco Tanks.
What do you when you aren’t climbing?
I play soccer and run track for OBU
What do you run?
Well I run anything between the 400 and the 1600, but I’d say the 800 is my race. I’m not a big track fan, it bores me to run in circles, but it pays the bills.
Running is paying the bills? Are you all scholarshipped?
Well, actually soccer pays for pretty much all my school, but track helps out as well
What’s the best thing about climbing in Oklahoma?
I’d say the best thing is looking forward to climbing somewhere other than in Oklahoma…
No, Oklahoma isn’t that bad. There is more than you’d think actually.
What’s the best part about being a climber girl?
It’s a great way to chill with some really cool people and chill in some really beautiful areas just havin’ fun.
That’s the best part about being a girl?
Ha, I guess I couldn’t think of anything gender specific, sorry.
What’s the dumbest thin you’ve ever done under the influence?
I’m under 21 so you know I’m not supposed to be under the influence yet…
What did you think of Where the Wild Things Are?
Super trippy kids movie!!! Really one of the strangest i’ve ever seen.
What are you going to be for Halloween?
Well, I’m trying to convince my boyfriend to shave of his beard and keep the mustache and be goose and I will be Maverick from Topguna. We’ll see if it works out.
If you were going to be the hot heroine in a horror movie which one would you be ?
A horror movie,  that’s a tough one. Maybe Jessica Biel in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre because she’s the only one who lives, so she must be bad A.
What’s the best thing about Halloween and being in college?
Together or separately?
Together, you know like you can’t exactly trick-or-treat anymore…
I did last year and it was great, just a little awkward when you find a grump who thinks you’re too old, but they still give you candy. I don’t think I will trick-or-treat this year though. It’s hard to find people who are willing to do it with you.
If you had to choose one movie to watch on repeat for rest of your life which one would you choose?
I’m gonna go with A Knights Tale. It’s got everything you need: eye candy, comedy, love, drama and action.
If you could have one animal as a pet that would not normally be a pet what would you domesticate?
A hippo, so cute and chubby.
Like the full size?!
Well, if I could have a miniature that would probably be better.
Leave us with some great bit of knowledge.
This is cheesy but love is all we need, just like the song!

Tags: , cute, , kirsten


  • daniel said:

    a knight’s tale? really? hmph.

    • ___ is more said:

      Bullshit. This girl does not live in Oklahoma. She does not climb. She does not pass go. She does not collect $200.
