Home » Cute Climber Girl of the Week

Cute Climber Girl of the Week #1

23 April 2008 1,871 views 2 Comments
posted by wig

Wig: Name, Age, sign, location
Amanda: Amanda Berezowski, 22, Aries, Canada
Wig: Aries! Did you just have a birthday?
Amanda: Yeah March 26
Wig: Did you manage to get drunk and make any bad decisions?
Amanda: No…I didn’t…actually. Well…maybe…
But… I didn’t go out for long… wasn’t the best night.
Wig: No?
Amanda: Not really…but oh well.
Wig: What’s the worst pick up line you’ve ever heard?
Amanda: “You look so hot I would drink your bathwater!”
Wig: That’s disgusting. Did someone really say that?
Amanda: Yes. Really. Someone I kinda know, but still.
Wig: I’m amazed. So if a guy did want to pick you up and take you out. How should he go about it? I mean what pick up line WOULD actually work?
Amanda: umm… this is hard… it really depends on the person. I don’t think its a pickup line that does the “work.”
Maybe, “Want to go on a climbing trip…I’ll take care of everything…”
Dont put that.
I don’t know.
Wig: Okay, Okay. So would you date a climber?
Amanda: Of course. I think it works better that way.
Wig: But you’re a climbing bad ass. Think that intimidates dudes?
Amanda: Only problem is climbing is like one big incestuous family… pretty soon they will have web of who dated who or who slept with who in the climbing mag’s.
Nah… I don’t think I’m that intimidating.
Wig: I’m working on that right now. Canada isn’t a part of the web though so you should be safe. Except for that Sonny Trotter. We left him in because who knows about that guy..
Amanda: hahaha
Wig: Well here are some softballs. Where is your favorite climbing area ever?
Amanda: So far… the Virgin Gorda for sure… I think anyone would fall in love with it!
Wig: I’ve seen the pictures. Girls in bathing suits and climbing on the beach I don’t think it gets much better than that.
Wig: What’s your favorite drink?
Amanda: Mojitos.
Wig: What’s your favorite food?
Amanda: This is an endless question… but… anything spicy… or raspberries… or tacos… or seafood (sushi)… uh… pineapple pancakes…oatmeal with brown sugar!
Wig: So you’re saying if I brought a spicy seafood raspberry pineapple pancake with oatmeal and brown sugar on the side on a climbing trip to the Virgin Gorda with plenty of Mojitos to go around and payed for it all. There’s a good chance that would be a good pick up line?
Amanda: If anyone was actually going to do that. Then. Yes.
(editors note: take note guys…)



  • Cassidy
    Cassidy said:

    That upper pic scares me. Those climbers seem hostile and out of place…

    • Andrew
      Andrew said:

      Well hello there Amanda. I’m not a creepy divorced 30 year old living with my parents……I’m a wealthy 28 year old Adonis with an affinity for traveling to remote regions in search of virgin stone and beautiful vistas to share with a special person.

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