Caption Contest!
6 November 2008 1,307 views 34 Comments
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Alright everyone. We’re a little more on top of things right now. We are going to have another contest and we’re going to give away some more cool gear. Only this time, things will be easier.
- uh. fail.
Here’s how it’s going to work. After the jump. You’ll find a picture. You leave a caption for the photo in the comments below. To win, your comment has to be the best. You know really poignent or funny or something. I’m gonna leave the post up for 1 week. and then i’ll pick a winner.
What do you win? You win a free chalk bag from our friends over at Organic.
Anyway. Check the picture and give us the caption. Do it.
FOR SALE: Used bag of granola.
Now available in the Ultra Magnum XXXXXXL variety
metolius, for girls so bad a paper bag just won’t do…
If you have been foolish enough to enter this caption contest, we are contacting your employer who will not likely be pleased with your misuse of company time. As for my pawns at Slip-in and, your government has just exploited your blog readers and you have only yourself to blame. Retaliate, and we’ll Bavarian pretzel your friend Brittany to fit more properly into her haulbag…good day Sirs and Maams.
where the fuck is my other sandal?!?!
With pants like these, who can blame them?
Aid rack, check; extra water, check; tag-line, check; girlfriend, check;…….
Honey, does this match my pants?…………..
smoking a joint in here gets me psyched and nobody will notice…haha…perfect
Trust me honey, its not worth wasting the money on an extra plane ticket when I can just…
Get awesome on me.
ass that hauls or hauling ass?
I can’t think of anything clever but I love the reading. Yes, I am misusing my company’s time right now. Is that BAG on the cabin deck at Horseshoe Canyon Ranch? I think it is.
FUCK!!! this is soooo embarassing….
FOR SALE!!! Nazi GasFart Chamber for Climbers!!!! only $2.99… call 1-800-FUCKEDUPGEAR…
p.s. after ventilating deadly gases, you can also put your gear!!!!
you will stay like that ’till you climb 5.14′s, godammit!!!!
Another innocent climber being abused at Guantanamo Bag
ahhhhh….finally some peace and quiet.
I promise, we’ve been doing this for years. Just put it on your head and count to 100.
free the pig!
LOVE SONG TO MY BAG: “When I get up all in ya, we can hear the angels callin’ us, we can see the sunrise before us, and when I’m in that thing, I make that body sing: weeoo weeoo wee, weeooo weeoo wee weeoo weeoo wee…”
This is what a breach birth looks like…
mmmmmm this tastes like shit….yuk!!! and this one….mmm this is definetly a roach!!!
I thought getting shoved into a locker sucked…
Last night was rough…
So this is how you bivy on a big wall?
Hey! Dont lift it up! You’re letting all the stank out
Metolius Haulbags: good for dead hookers too.
(As a side note, I meant for the term “hooker” to be gender neutral. Hey, for all I know that could be a lady-boy in them stripey pants. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…unless you paid for a lady and got a lady-boy. Then I could see there being a problem.)
good luck
It puts the bag on its head; or it get the hose again.
Beware. If you enter this photo contest you might never get your prize. I am still waititng on my camera case from LAST year. I have tried to make email contact but no one will respond. My email is . If no one is going to respond to me, I would like it if you took my photo off your website.
No honey, you can’t come to J-Tree
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