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CCGOTW: Sarah Orens

20 November 2008 3,019 views 13 Comments
posted by wig

Name: Sarah Orens
Location: My Futon, Boulder, Co
Age: 18
Hometown: Baltimore MD
What’s the best city in the entire United States?
New York. It’s magical…and there are lots of hot guys.
But they’re all either gay or douche bags. That doesn’t help you I don’t think.
Well shit. Thanks for filling me in…can I change my answer?
New York is the best city because that is where Bret and Jemaine from Flight of the Conchords live.
What’s your favorite flight song?
Bret You Got it Going On. Although Business Time is a close second.
If you could choose to be reincarnated as any animal what would it be?
An elephant. They are really smart and amazingly graceful for their size.
If you could hook up with any celebrity alive or dead who would be?
Adrian Grenier…his eyes are what get me
What’s one thing you could not live without throughout the day?
Cinnamon Orbitz gum. I go through about two packs a day.
Would you rather send The Nose (5.14b) or Jumbo Love (5.15something)?
Jumbo Love. I read about it today while I was at work, it looks pretty rad.
How are you rationalizing your trip to Yosemite in a week when all you’re going to do is boulder?
It would take me more than a week to finish climbing a route…
What about it?
You don’t need a week to do routes there!
Well you got me. I love bouldering too much. I’m a total noob when it comes to rope climbing.
What’s the best thing about Thanksgiving?
PUMPKIN PIE, is that even a question?
Apparently not. If you could be a main character in any TV show which would it be?
Gossip Girl.
Who would you replace?
So you’re saying you’d rather act like a bitchy over privileged teenager who lives a complete fantasy lie in the upper east side of NYC instead of say… save the world from terrars or save lives in a hospital or maybe sell paper?
Well saving the world from terrorists would be fun, but the outfits are just not as cool. I wouldn’t mind being a gangster though that would be pretty cool.
Indeed. What’s the craziest/stupidest thing you’ve ever done to get a guys attention?
I wore a thong leotard on Halloween this year. I don’t usually do crazy things to get guys attention. I would rather they do crazy things to get my attention.
What’s the craziest thing a guy has done to get YOUR attention?
A guy climbed the Illustrious Buddha with a crash pad on.
On his back?
He did that…for you?
Just for me. It was 102 degrees outside too. I was total gumbie and fell for it.
Wow, how…romantic.
Yeah pretty impressive I guess.
Or completely not at all. Moving on. What’s the best movie you’ve ever seen that has a climbing scene in it?
Mission Impossible II. That was impressive. I aspire to be that good. Tom Cruise killed it.
Favorite beverage?
Americanos, unless it is before noon. Then it is Patron.
Patron… before noon?
That’s how I roll.
Have you ever shot a gun?
No, but I would REALLY like to.
What kind of gun?
A Beretta 9mm, and I would be wearing a Grill while I was shooting it
Who are your top five favorite climbers of all time?
Lisa Rands, Robyn Ebersfield, Beth Rodden, Angie Payne and Emily Harrington
All girls
Yeah, they are all amazing climbers who have inspired me a lot. I have never been very inspired by male climbers. It’s cool to watch Paul and Daniel send really hard climbs, but they are so far removed from things that I will ever be able to do. When women are amazing climbers, it is easier to relate too and is much more inspiring.
When you finally kick the bucket what would be the ultimate way to go?
Maybe when I finish climbing a V15 first ascent in the Rocklands that is on the edge of the cliff band and I get to the top and one of the baboons that lives there pushes me off and I fall to my death. The Baboons in the Rocklands are pretty intense…it could happen.

Last two photos courtesy: http://www.nilepoc.com

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  • Craig Copelin
    Craig Copelin said:

    Congrats on the interview Sarah. The last two of the images are from Nilepoc Media, Check out my new website http://www.nilepoc.com

    • Andrew Tower
      wig (author) said:

      Craig thanks! I didn’t know where they were from so sorry we didn’t give credit earlier!

      • the dr.
        the dr. said:

        I know she’s 18 (and she’s rad) and all, but can we put an age limit on this – like you have to be able to get into Round Midnight or know what’s in an Old Fashion. This shit makes me feel like a pedophile.

        • krEEm Face
          krEEm Face said:

          Wait, Wig, she’s 18 and she lives on your couch. Have you brought to Golden a new era of Ivan Greene radicalism?

          • sock hands
            sock hands said:

            ha- i’ll bitch like opie about photo cred: orens you stolt my shot of you on ‘veritas’! there’ll be hell to pay, fool, HELL TO PAY!

            • Andrew Tower
              wig (author) said:

              Kevin, idiot. She doesn’t live on my couch. I live on the couch in Man Camp aka Mt. Crushmore. She lives on her own couch. In her dorm. In Boulder.

              • Willerby MaGurk
                Willerby MaGurk said:

                So you’re Ivan’s chick?

                • Andrew Tower
                  wig (author) said:


                  • dachoppera
                    dachoppera said:

                    if you were pushed off the top by a baboon the send would be invalid

                    • S
                      S said:

                      Not if I pulled over the top and stood up first. Plus if I died, it wouldn’t go on 8a and therefore would not matter anyway.

                      • sock hands
                        sock hands said:

                        if you throw the baboon off, you get double points and all the other baboons will have to obey you. i think you should totally do this. it is a flawless idea.

                        • S
                          S said:

                          It would be a flawless idea…If I were bigger than a baboon.

                          • sock hands
                            sock hands said:

                            even if you were bigger, you’d still lose. baboons have like 8 times the strength of a similar weighted human. the deal here is pure rage and will power. smaller things can totally decimate larger things. i’ve seen this work in midwestern bars at least a few times and in countless hollywood movies.

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