Articles Archive for November 2008
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Photo: by lucas marshall–
Sonnie Trotter. You know him. He’s that crazy guy from Canadia with a clever little tattoo on his arm. He was in some video climbing some crack. He’s sent some hard stuff, some scary stuff and some rad stuff. He’s been there and done that, and he’s actually still doing it. He finally peeled himself away from climbing rocks and doing yoga with his hot girlfriend to give P&C a few good answers to our questions. Enjoy.
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With the holidays and feasts coming and passing, sport climbers across the world are shitting their pants in fear over the fate of their 8a.ego score cards. Between too much booze, turkeys, pies, puddings, stuffings, and potatoes made in more ways your can imagine, even the most disciplined bolt clipper is bound to pack a few on pounds–obviously a bad thing for both your projects and your ego.
But never fear, Limit is to the rescue! I’m going to share with you…
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Turkey day. Literally.
Hey everyone. We’re sorry we’ve been a little scarce on the posting. And I’m sorry Limit hasn’t posted a Whiskey Wednesday in like 2 weeks. It’s because his lazy unemployed ass lacks a little thing we call “motivation” and “duty.” No matter we will resume more regular posting tomorrow. I hope everyone of you has a good Turkeyday! I really actualy hope you’re NOT home with your family and you’re out climbing somewhere.
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Sometimes when you’re camp cragging, shit food just won’t cut it. You’re tired of Ramen, hotdogs, and whatever combo you can come up with that includes the tortillas, lunch meat and the peanut butter in your food bin. Time to grow up. Before you go climbing, get your ass to the grocery store and buy some real ingredients for a fiesta you won’t soon forget. This recipe is too easy not to try and makes enough to feed at least…
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Crag Exposure, Main »
Stick Clipping
Fig. One: The Trango Squid
Sometime in the dawn of the prehistoric age, man began using sticks as tools. Whether as clubs or drawing tools, the stick became essential to Caveman’s survival. Interestingly, I find that there are striking similarities between sport climbers and Caveman: they sit around in the dirt, they employ similar mating rituals (mostly grunting and flexing). They also both love their sticks. You probably think I’m full of shit, but in reality, I have been in…
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Featured, Interviews »
Emily Harrington is a total bad ass. She climbs hard inside and out. She’s a comp killin, climbing dynamo and will simply not stop crushing. We did get her to sit down and give us some answers about her life, what she’s doing, and how she might or might not want to be an assassin for the CIA.
Interview by Andrew Tower (Wig)
Photos by Caroline Treadway (C-Note)
Let’s start with basics. Where are you from? How old are you? How long have…
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Cute Climber Girl of the Week »
Name: Sarah Orens
Location: My Futon, Boulder, Co
Age: 18
Hometown: Baltimore MD
What’s the best city in the entire United States?
New York. It’s magical…and there are lots of hot guys.
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Imagine a world of perfectly steep free standing blocs with ideal landings, almost zero approach, and temps that hardly ever vary. Beautiful people dance about on Font, Hueco, and Granite type plastic awesomeness while some sort of trip-hop pulsates from the speakers above. This is a world I can get used to…
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Congratulations Ian! You are the winner of our caption contest which means that the highly coveted Organic chalk bag will be coming your way. To all the Losers, don’t feel too bad. The results were highly subjective and reflect the whims and emotional instabilities of us P&C knuckleheads. But don’t worry, round two will be forthcoming.
FOR SALE: Used bag of granola.
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