Crag Exposure: Indian Creek
posted by bronco

Old School.
If you’ve been to Indian Creek, Utah, then you obviously know it’s unlike any other climbing destination in the world! I think Indian Creek is where climbers get the egregiously abused term “splitter,” which typically means “that is awesome.” Aside from building climbing vernacular, Indian Creek is good for other stuff too, like beautiful wingate parallel sided cracks that you can climb and have fun doing so! So lube up your camming devices, learn how to fabricate tape gloves, and get your little red slippers, we’re going to The Creek!
Crack climbing at Indian Creek is unlike anything you’ve ever attempted at your local area. Indian creek’s splitters, corners, offsets and towers are as good as it gets for gear placing tradsters. Would you like to climb handcracks? Check. Fingers? Check. Offwidth? Check. Let’s face it, Wingate Sandstone crack climbing is the SHIT! The Creek is all about long days in the sun either thrutching or sending (depending on your skillz), arguing about hand size and grades, that classic IC sunset, and cheap beer around the camp fire (probably still blabbering about grades and hand sizes).
Located outside Moab, Utah blah blah blah. You know where it is. You’ve seen that Peter flick about it. Let’s just say, drop what you think you should be doing, cancel your bouldering plans, borrow every scrap piece of camming gear that your friends have and head out to Indian Creek! Motivation below.


You climb here.


The Rack
Photos Courtesy of: moabdesertadventures and highinfatuation
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take your own advice, quit studying for the bar, and lets go! now.
I agree! Get back here!
[...] A.M. yours truly and the Andre Dahlman hop a flight westward, rent a car, and get our crank on in Indian Creek, Utah. There will be a gaggle of the good ole Front Range crew, and the dashing Adam Peters will be [...]
[...] of my whining. Here’s a little diddy I threw together from our Spring Break trip to Indian Creek last month. It’s a little rough, but I really ought to stop tweaking and study. [...]
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