Sometimes you just can’t send. It doesn’t matter how much you tweak your beta, how hard you try, how often you try, or long you rest. No matter what you do, it just never happens. It is times like these that try climbers souls. In those trying times, try some or all of these hints. They will make you send. I promise.
1. Stop Washing The Dishes
Climbers seem to spend more time fussing over the condition of their skin than a conspiracy theorist researching the melting temperature of structural steel. We all know that prolonged exposure to water makes you skin prune and get softer than a 12 year olds dick. I mean, do you really think that the skin in FIGURE 1 is going to be crimping very much? NO. Climbers know this, yet this keep washing their dishes. It’s like they want something to bitch about at the crag. QUIT WASHING YOUR DISHES. Seriously. Unless you like crying like a little bitch on your project. And while your at it, quit washing your hands. Swine flu be damned!
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Holy shit it’s been a while yeah? We are lame, you’ve heard it before, we’re sorry, we’ll try harder blah blah blah. You don’t care about our excuses, so I won’t give them to you.
The crew here would like to pay some respect to ice climbers. We went ice climbing. Well Bronco and Limit went ice climbing. I walked around like an idiot with 6 jackets on and my snowboarding pants and sneakers freezing my ass off while a spectacle of mini-epic proportions unfolded before my eyes.
As you all may have guessed, Team P and C has a special aversion to the cold. We like it comfortable. Sticky rock, climbing in t-shirts and belaying in jackets. That’s ideal right there. We like placing gear and clipping bolts. We don’t do the soloing thing too much, and run outs are alright on the right terrain. Anyway. Ice climbing doesn’t seem to have any of this which is ESPECIALLY troublesome for a bunch of bumblikins like us.
Here’s a list of things that happened yesterday: (more…)
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Oh you know them when you see them. And if you don’t know the ways to identify them there is a really good chance you ARE the bumbler.
1. Janglies
I don’t know how else to describe these things. They’ve always got them. It’s like little pieces of flair they attach to their harnesses and or backpacks. None of it is useful too. Like they’ll take an extra locking biner up a sport route, or their grigri. Or they decorate their school bags with carabiners and Nalgenes. Carabiners are not accessories! I know because I have one as a keychain. Instead of Occam’s razor I’m going to start calling it Sharma’s razor. Cut out everything that isn’t totally necessary e.g. get rid of the daisy chain thong. Really. (more…)
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I know I know it’s been a week since we posted anything. We’re sorry. In between climbing and looking for work that actually pays money and the other two actually WORKING we’ve been… busy. Or something. Anyway. Tentatively Whiskey Wednesday is going to our friend Sonnie Trotter who is giving a slide show tonight at Neptunes in Boulder. I know that doesn’t apply to all of you and I’m sorry. It WILL be amazing.
Next is the Adventure Film Festival happening around these parts again. From Novermber 12-14 there is a lot happening. What? You don’t believe me? There’s too much going on for me to even post in this post. You need to go here and check it out because it will no doubt be worth whatever it takes to get to these events. More to come on this, but for now it’s time for me to go drink some WHISKEY. And I promise tomorrow there will be some awesome new content for you.
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Bout time for us to take that Halloween post off the headline I think. Sorry it’s been there so long. It’s Whiskey Wednesday again and this week it happens to be P and C friend Jeremy Collins’ birthday! We’ve interviewed Jeremy before, but he needs more representation because let’s face it. The guy is a total badass. He has one of the better tick lists I’ve seen but it too nice of a guy to spout about it. I had to hurt him just to glance at it. He’s a fucking FANTASTIC artist and if you don’t already have a piece of his art decorating your house, you should acquire one. He has a book out that has the last decade of his work. I’ve seen it and it’s perhaps the best coffee table book that has ever existed. I’m not kidding. Anyway. Tonight we’ll be cheersing to him. You can if you like if not cheers to birthdays. or cheers to art. or cheers to… I don’t care just make sure you drink something.
Here’s a little gallery to show off some of Jer’s work. Really go check him out if you haven’t. (more…)
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Everyone loves Halloween. Parties are happening everywhere, there is an abundance of free candy, and girls dress up in slutty outfits just because they can get away with it. As we get older though, the motivation to dress up seems to wear off a little. We can’t go door to door and get candy from sweet old ladies. We don’t have class Halloween parties to attend anymore. Our parents aren’t buying us our costumes anymore either. With that in mind I’ve come up with a list of climbing costumes anyone can make and wear with little trouble, little money and little sobriety. (more…)
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