The Francios Legrand Award
posted by bronco

Francois Legrand
Okay Okay, you may be thinking that the Francois Legrand award has something to do with impeccable footwork or competition prowess, but in fact the Francios Legrand award is going to neither. Let me tell you a little story to preface the donning of this award…Francois Legrand, as many of you know, was a lethal competitor on the world circuit back in the day. After a number of years, it seems that he developed into quite an arrogant bastard. The story goes like this. Francios was a a comp with a friend of ours. The comp organizers had provided the competitors with a free lunch, a sandwich. Nice, a little snacky snack to tide over the little plastic pulling warriors. As the little sandwich girl wheeled around to frenchy she handed him his sandwich and turned to leave. As she stepped away Francois interrupted her by asking for another sandwich, which she replied that competitors were only allowed one sandwich each. The following exchange occurred:
Francois: ”Do you know who I am?”
Sandwich girl: “No.”
Francios: ”My name is Francois Legrand, and I will have two sandwiches!”
So, we feel that the Francois Legrand award should go to the person with the the highest expectation of entitlement and a real general douche baginess.

This year’s award and the first annual Francois Legrand award goes to: Adam Taylor! Congrats Adam you are the biggest douche bag of the year! Thanks for being a complete whinny ass bitch and smashing hangers on 50 Words in the Red.
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I have another Big Frank story like that that is even better … I’ll have to tell it to you sometime when you kids are older.
One could argue that F LeG’s name translates as “The Great Frenchman . . .”
Thus arguably dooming “Monsieur” to whiny-ass bitchness. Did he slap the sandwich girl with a white glove? Fart in her general direction?
Something about growing up in a culture centered on food, sex, and sometimes mandatory mono-doigts, does seem generally to impart a sense of superiority. Go figure.
I am the Yellowstone Supervolcano, and I’ll have one million cubic feet of hot-magma sandwiches … to go, please.
i know for a fact that eating a sandwich can make one’s legs get big. so eating TWO sandwiches would make one’s legs TRES GRAND!
mmm, bronco, did you fact-check this story….?
hilarious award. I heard the Taylor guy had a momentary lapse of reason and is generally a pretty good dude. How bout the freak of Ten Sleep Canyon Mike Decker? That guy is a douchebag 24/7 Much more deserving, freaking insane in the membrane–
“Momentary lapse of reason” - surely the first, fucking load clunk of metal on metal would bring you around to what you’re doing, pretty damn fast! No the guy has to be a dick … Legrand however seems to be one really taking the piss though!
[...] Adam Ondra recently repeated (2nd ascent?) Francois Legrand’s route Robi In The Sky (5.14d) at Les Calanques, France. Legrand first opened the route back in 1999, adding 100 feet of steep climbing to an existing 5.13d. Speaking of Francois Legrand… [...]
Is it possible this was an attempt at humor on Monsieur LeGrandes’ part? His name is Frank the big, therefore he needs two sandwiches, joke, haha? (optimism…)
This is fuckin awesome.
F. LeGrande = the DIRTY CHIPPER!!!