Archive for January, 2009
Buzzer Shot Day
You know all those sports highlights, where some ball wielding superhero comes through and in a flash of glory sinks a three pointer AND draws a foul with .2 seconds left of a 4 point game? Buzzer Shots. The only reason to watch sports. And awesome. Unless you’re one of the three climbers who makes a living comp climbing, you probably never get to experience this in climbing life.
Or so I thought. › Keep reading
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Whiskey Wednesday 2: Man’s Life Saved by Whiskey
A reader sent this to me today, and I couldn’t help but share it with the rest of you since A) it’s about whiskey, and B) It’s about whiskey triumphing over evil in the fight against killer sofas. Apparently an old blue hair somehow tripped and got trapped by his sofa. He was stuck there for 60 hours. A whiskey bottle rolled within reach and he grabbed it and took a sip. › Keep reading
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Whiskey Wednesday! Josh Wharton
Resident Evil
Josh Wharton is a badass. The man is about as hard as hardmen get and probably one of the best all around climbers in the country. A couple weeks ago, he sent 5.13, v10 and M10, all in ONE WEEK. Any one of those accomplishments would represent a lifetime achievment of most folks. I mean there aren’t many people who have climbed 5.13 v10 and a M10 period, let alone in one week. › Keep reading
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Shit We Like: Klime Clothing
Being a predominately a sport climber, I could usually care less about how technical the clothers are I wear to to the crag. I don’t really give a shit whether or not my granny panties are “wicking” properly or if my pants have an appropriately gusseted crotch. What I DO care about is if they make me look cool, because well lets face it–I’m not cool at all which means my clothes have a lot of work to do if I’m going to trick anybody.
So far, Klime Clothing are doing a killer job. Klime is a new startup hailing from Arizona and they are putting out some kickass designs. After testing out a few of their shirts for just a couple weeks, I’m cooler than ever! But seriously, unless you’re into suffering on The Diamond, how could you not want to kick around in this stuff?!
Check out their website,
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Climbing Singles
This is what a climbing singles website would look like if it actually existed.
Click through… it’s worth it. There is a boys page and a girls. › Keep reading
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Training With Limit: HIT Training P&C Style
mutherfucking teenage mutants
According to Eric Horst, HIT training with get you stronger than a Mutherfucking teenage mutant gym rat juicing roids. According to me, HIT training is about as boring as watching all five hours of Gone With The Wind with your best friend’s fat cousin. However, wanting to get some of that teenage mutant power for myself without destroying the rest of my dwindling brain cells from boredom, I developed a revolutionary new twist on the HIT workout. › Keep reading
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Comics by John
John P. was nice enough to send us another comic and I’m posting it.
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P&C’s Woman of the Year Award: Vanessa Compton!
Like super hot women that are really friggin cool? So do we, that’s why we celebrate Vanessa Compton as our P&C Woman of the Year. This teacher by day, creative artist and rock climbing crusher by all other times of day or night, has been a fixture on the front range scene for some time. However, come this summer, she hits the road with a vengeance, guard your projects because she WILL hike them. We chose Vanessa as our Woman of the Year because she embodies everything that is cool to us.
Interview: Adam Peters (Bronco)
Photos: Caroline Treadway (C-Note) and Vanessa Compton
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The Freedom of the Bolts: Rodeo Clipping
Rodeo Clipping (AKA how to be a BALLER): The rodeo clip is an essential tool in every sport climbers arsenal. Or at least it is in the arsenal of every sport climber who fancies himself a baller. I mean, stick clipping is nice and it gets the job done but every dipshit with a Prana Beanie and an extra 29 bucks for a squib can do it.
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Shit We Like: TNF
I NEVER thought I’d say that The North Face made shit I liked, but I am. I remember working in a gear shop in college and making fun of every last sorority girl that bought a Denali fleece. I knew they made other stuff and they had bad ass athletes on their climbing roster, but that stigma stuck with me until very recently. I’ve had the opportunity to climb and drink with a few of TNF’s elite and after closer inspection found out The North Face is making some seriously rad urbanite clothing for the rock warriors that want to have a little steeze. › Keep reading
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- Joe Kinder
- Katie Brown
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- Lucas Photo
- Maury “Zipper-boy” Birdwell
- Misty Murphy
- Prana
- Rocktown/Aaron Gibson
- s00kreem? huh?
- So iLL holds
- Sonnie Trotter
- Stefka
- Upskill Climbing
- Western CO Climbing Beta