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CCGOTW: Anna Kornke

10 March 2009 665 views 8 Comments
posted by wig

Alright everyone. I know Cute Climber Girl Of The Week kinda got to be like… Cute Climber Girl Of The Month. That’s my fault I haven’t been on it. I have a whole stack of chicas that crush now and you’ll be getting them much more consistantly. I know you like them because… well we have google analytics and it told us you pervs look at this part the most….sickos.

Name: Anna Kornke

Age: 21

Location: Albuquerque, NM

Is there anything good at all in Albuquerque?
Hmm, nothing too spectacular in Albuquerque, but we’re close to a lot of awesomeness. Oh! Except food. There’s good food here.
Like all the green chili? I heard you can get green chili on your McDonald’s hamburgers.
Heck yeah, man! Even McDonalds knows what’s up.
What’s your favorite Monopoly piece?
The boot for sure…or possibly the wheelbarrow.
I honestly don’t what the other ones are.
If you’re gonna get drunk. What do you like to get drunk off of?
What’s your favorite beer?
Eh, I like the brown beers. The local Marble Brewery makes a sweet Nut Brown.  I like Heini too. However, I was just introduced to the White Russian. Now that is a sweet drink.
Are you familiar with the Dude?
The Big Lebowski. Oh yea apparently there is a Big Lebowski bowling festival and they make huge vats of White Russians.
What’s the best part about being a girl climber?
Well, I can’t deny that it feels good when I show up a guy at climbing.
Do you get hit on at the gym?
Sometimes. It can be pretty funny, but my boyfriend works there so usually no.
Why’s it funny?
This guy came up to me the other day while I was trying to find a route to climb. He asked me what I was doing standing there with I rope in my hands. I was nice, but on the inside I was like I’m at a climbing gym with a rope…I’M CLIMBING! He was clearly nervous.
What’s your favorite cereal?
Lucky Charms! My parents never bought it for me but when I moved out it was Lucky Charms all the time. I hate soggy cereal
What’s your favorite movie in the entire world? Only pick one.
Easy. Breakfast at Tiffany’s.  She’s so pretty and classy but wild at the same time.
Do you do anything else besides rock climb?
I go to school full time, and do some ninja work on the side.
Ninja work? Tell me more about that.
Well I dress in black, flip around everywhere I go, and throw flying stars at evil people.
What’s your favorite cuss word?
Well most often used would probably be the classic “shit.”  “I hate this shit.” “That was some badass shit”. My favorite I wouldn’t consider a cuss word, but it’s just fun to say: bajango.
Bajango? What the shit is that?
You’ve never heard bajango!?  Greatest word for the female anatomy ever!
For vag! Gimme the funniest example ever of that used in a sentence.
You’re asking too much. It has to come naturally.
What’s the grossest thing you’ve ever seen or heard?
Well, I got a finger in a cup at work the other day. That was pretty gross.
A finger in a cup? That sounds like a spin-off of the famous internet porn phenomenon. You’re going to have to explain that one a little better.
I’m working in a microbiology lab right now and some little old lady got her finger taken off so the docs put it in a cup and sent it to us to see if it was growing any microscopic bugs.
What do you want to say to all the boys out there drooling over you that check this site?
anna:  sings and dances my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, but seriously I would say I’m taken, so wipe that drool off your chin.
Hmm, does that sound bitchy?

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  • kilo chunks
    kilo chunks said:

    … nice. i also dig the pic of her hitting the bat in the woods. good form.

    • kilo chunks
      kilo chunks said:

      … nice. i also dig the pic of her hitting the bat in the woods. good form

      • Andrew Tower
        wig (author) said:

        ah shit… didn’t notice that… probably gonna have to remove that one… sorry!

        • janek
          janek said:

          I believe I can speak in the name of all Czech climbing “sickos”: YEAH, we love this department. CCGOTW rule…and not just on your blog but in the rocks especially. We all love to drool at the girls around while belaying hopeless friends attempting another “big performance”. And there’s a recommendation regarding this stuff for you, Wig: come over to Czech Republic and see for yourself. The cuttiest chicas come frome here.

          • Andrew Tower
            wig (author) said:

            janek, send me a plane ticket.
            kilo chunks, had to take it off, didn’t notice that…but i’m glad you did.

            • K
              K said:

              Anna is super amazing. :)
              Good Choice.

              • pokac
                pokac said:

                oh yeah, czech girls:-)But even they are so mazing, a lot of czech sickos are still checking this ccgotw part of your blog!

                • janek
                  janek said:

                  to Wig: plane ticket not necessary. put on a swimsuit and take it crosswise to Gibraltar. there pick up the right coast (to the left) and the rest is easy hitchiking. I will be waiting for you in my favourite bar (http://windguru.rajce.idnes.cz/Nejsme_tady_na_boruvkach/#P6290118.JPG) in an incredible sandstone rock city called Skalak (http://windguru.rajce.idnes.cz/Nejsme_tady_na_boruvkach/#P6280067.JPG. you’ll have the time of your life (http://windguru.rajce.idnes.cz/Muj_prvni_SLACKfest/#P6220092.JPG), I guarantee

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