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Whiskey Wednesday: Micah Dash-Jonny Copp-Wade Johnson

9 June 2009 283 views 7 Comments
posted by wig

I haven’t had to deal with death much in my life. I’ve had grandparents die. I’ve had a few acquaintances die. I’ve even had some members of the Oklahoma climbing community die. No one I really knew very well. That isn’t to discount their passing, but more to say I haven’t been as affected.

When I learned of the loss of Micah Dash, Jonny Copp and Wade Johnson, I was stricken. Stricken with what I was not entirely sure of. I knew Micah and saw him about once a week. I climbed with him in Clear Creek Canyon and shared drinks with him. I remember laughing with him at a friend’s house about a slideshow he was going to give. We ate a whole box of those TLC crackers with cheese. We were always eating. He wasn’t a close friend, but he was always someone I was glad to see. He was always genuine and always made me laugh.

I met Jonny at The Attic one night months ago. He was wearing that green fedora hat thing that he always wore. I spoke with him over a game of pool and was immediately drawn to him. He was interested in my life. We talked about our mutual friend Jeremy Collins, and he remembered my name whenever I saw him after that evening. That’s rare these days. I knew Jonny would be a friend.

I didn’t know Wade at all, and I wish I did. After reading the volumes of letters and information about his life and the people he touched, I’m sad that I had never knew him. He sounds like the kind of man everyone should know. Honest, loyal and full of life.

All these men were full of life. I never really thought about what that phrase meant before now. I’ve never had to use it really. At first glance it doesn’t make much sense, but when you’re looking back into these three lives it’s quite obvious.

These three took life by the horns and owned it. They laughed. They loved. They shared. They gave. To say they lived is a complete understatement. To say they lived with vigor and joy is an understatement. These men were literally FULL of life. It seemed everything they did had impact, even if that was just bringing a smile on someone’s face.

Their passing most of all is making me reexamine my own life. Not in terms of purpose, ambition or happiness. Rather I’ve had to take a hard look at relationships. Not girls and boys and kissing but the way I present myself to other people. The way I affect other people. The way I leave people feeling.

Jeremy Collins wrote a letter to Jonny a few days ago. Reading it put a knot in my stomach. In fact nearly everything I read about these guys makes me incredibly sad. What happened to them is tragic, but what they left with us is a memory that will live forever. A memory of greatness and of love. The kind of memory I hope to God I can be man enough to leave behind. They touched so many people in so many different ways it would be hard to even begin to quantify the influence they left us. There is so much to be said, but I’m convinced the best way to say it is simple: We will truly miss you guys.

Tonight we’ll be at the Downer and invite all to come as we hold some glasses as high as we can for a few guys who really made a difference.

Please visit these sites and watch the video below.

Facebook page

Adventure Films blog

Keep all involved in your minds and prayers.

Huge Loss of Wade, Micah and Jonny in Sichuan Mountains China. from renan ozturk on Vimeo.

Tags: , Micah Dash, wade johnson,


  • Katie
    Katie said:

    very very well said. Thanks.

    • sock hands
      sock hands said:

      “Their passing most of all is making me reexamine my own life. Not in terms of purpose, ambition or happiness. Rather I’ve had to take a hard look at relationships. Not girls and boys and kissing but the way I present myself to other people. The way I affect other people. The way I leave people feeling.”

      this speaks volumes. sincere thanks for the post.

      • caine
        caine said:

        well said mate… sunms up exactly how i feel too. Jonny though I only met him few times and only had a few conversations with him, he was genuinely interested in my life. Micah, he held a certain charm at the parties we happened to be at of mutual friends. Unfortunately I didnt know Wade, but am sure, as you are, he was cut from a similar mold that made Jonny and Micah such lively people, people you want to know, not because of their stature but because you know you’d share rad times with them… I wish i was in boulder tonight to raise a glass for them all at the downer, but I will in my own way from afar!!!

        • Shane
          Shane said:

          Well written. I didn’t know them, but I’ll raise a glass to them tonight. They were doing what they loved and it sounds like they inspired everyone to do the same. Thanks Tower.

          • Emily
            Emily said:

            Nicely done. I only knew Micah but they will all be sorely missed. Sad I missed WW with all you guys last night. I’m sure you did it up right in honor of 3 awesome individuals.

            • Cassidy
              Cassidy said:

              It is so hard to watch that video and imagine that those amazing people are not here with us anymore………

              It seems hard to believe but it is the ultimate reality. Johnny, Micah, and Wade reminded how alive all of us are every day of their lives. That at least has not changed.

              • Brett Merlin
                Brett Merlin said:

                Tuesday June 16th at 5pm The Spot will be hosting a silent auction to benefit the Adventure Film Fest Search Fund. We have huge support from a lot of sponsors (including ropes, rock shoes, crashpads, and even a trip to Peru). All day passes will also go to the fund. Tell your friends!

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