The campfire is a great place for stories, beers, beers and laughs. It’s where we all find ourselves trying to regrow the skin on our tips after a long day of pulling down rocks. Last night was no exception for our crew after the foosball table in the barn at Hueco Rock Ranch long lost it’s luster (a.k.a after Rick and his shit-talking lady friend owned us in a quick match). Very quickly the conversation around the fire digressed into joke telling, then the gnarly joke telling, and then we thought maybe we should tell some climber jokes. (more…)
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It is totally unfortunate that I came to know Stone Age under the circumstances that I was in. When a group of friends and I got stranded in Albuquerque, New Mexico because of a broken down van , Stone Age Climbing Gym was the beacon of shining climbing glory that got us psyched despite the grim situation we were in. (more…)
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You know all those sports highlights, where some ball wielding superhero comes through and in a flash of glory sinks a three pointer AND draws a foul with .2 seconds left of a 4 point game? Buzzer Shots. The only reason to watch sports. And awesome. Unless you’re one of the three climbers who makes a living comp climbing, you probably never get to experience this in climbing life.
Or so I thought. (more…)
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A reader sent this to me today, and I couldn’t help but share it with the rest of you since A) it’s about whiskey, and B) It’s about whiskey triumphing over evil in the fight against killer sofas. Apparently an old blue hair somehow tripped and got trapped by his sofa. He was stuck there for 60 hours. A whiskey bottle rolled within reach and he grabbed it and took a sip. (more…)
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Resident Evil
Josh Wharton is a badass. The man is about as hard as hardmen get and probably one of the best all around climbers in the country. A couple weeks ago, he sent 5.13, v10 and M10, all in ONE WEEK. Any one of those accomplishments would represent a lifetime achievment of most folks. I mean there aren’t many people who have climbed 5.13 v10 and a M10 period, let alone in one week. (more…)
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Being a predominately a sport climber, I could usually care less about how technical the clothers are I wear to to the crag. I don’t really give a shit whether or not my granny panties are “wicking” properly or if my pants have an appropriately gusseted crotch. What I DO care about is if they make me look cool, because well lets face it–I’m not cool at all which means my clothes have a lot of work to do if I’m going to trick anybody.
So far, Klime Clothing are doing a killer job. Klime is a new startup hailing from Arizona and they are putting out some kickass designs. After testing out a few of their shirts for just a couple weeks, I’m cooler than ever! But seriously, unless you’re into suffering on The Diamond, how could you not want to kick around in this stuff?!
Check out their website,
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