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Articles tagged with: sport climbing

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[18 Feb 2009 | 4 Comments | 167 views]

I was at the American Alpine Club library this afternoon looking for books on training for climbing. Now I realize that a sport climber looking for books at the AAC seems odd. But they DO seem to have every peice of literature ever written that’s remotely related to climbing. ANYAWAY, I came across this title. I had no idea that For Dummies was catering to climbers.

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[23 Dec 2008 | 5 Comments | 422 views]

Belaying for a sport climber is a big responsibility. It is something you should consider carefully before committing to it. Unfortunately, just like parenthood, the responsibility sneaks up on a lot of belayers who just aren’t quite ready for the emotional stress involved. Any belayer out there will tell you that sport climbers can be irritable (especially if not fed organic almond butter four times per day), selfish, and cranky. When their position on 8a.nu is threatened, they can get…

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[20 Nov 2008 | 6 Comments | 5,087 views]

Emily Harrington is a total bad ass. She climbs hard inside and out. She’s a comp killin, climbing dynamo and will simply not stop crushing. We did get her to sit down and give us some answers about her life, what she’s doing, and how she might or might not want to be an assassin for the CIA.

Interview by Andrew Tower (Wig)

Photos by Caroline Treadway (C-Note)

Let’s start with basics. Where are you from? How old are you?

Cute Climber Girl of the Week, Featured »

[13 Nov 2008 | 5 Comments | 3,217 views]

Name: Kaitlyn Sheehan
Age: 20
Hometown: Chicago IL
Current Location: The Bubble, CO

How did you get started climbing?
Around the winter of my freshman year here my friends Max and Greg took me to the Spot. It was an instant attraction I suppose. I didn’t really get outside until this summer then I found out what it’s really all about.

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[11 Nov 2008 | One Comment | 194 views]

Mark Twight has his bible and manifesto. It’s called The Freedom of the Hills which is about as long as the KJV and about as hard to understand. It’s time that sport climbers have their own manifesto-a single compendium where a gumby can pack his arsenal with the little tricks used by experienced sport climbers without looking like a douche. After all, that’s what P&C is all about–not looking like a douche. In the coming weeks, we’ll cover such…

Crag Exposure, Featured »

[24 Jun 2008 | 9 Comments | 56,636 views]

Today’s crag exposure comes from P&C’s friend Andrew Bisharat. Rifle needed to be covered, and Andrew is the only person I could think of that would do it better than me, so naturally, I convinced him it was a good idea. Enjoy. -Wig


When people think of Rifle, they think of what could only be called “A Scene”: shirtless posers, loser spraylords, dumb beta scammers, belay gumbies, non-pimps, overly self-conscious females who annoyingly whisper to…

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[7 May 2008 | No Comment | 682 views]

Misty Murphy