Articles Archive for December 2008
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Last year the editors at Rock and Ice sent me a message telling me to check out their new gear guide. I obliged and they informed me that next time they put one out they won’t just use their B.I.G. Award ( Best In Gear). they said they would start the W.I.G. Award (Worst In Gear). Get it? Of course you do. Anyway, they never did because in the magazine business you have to make very calculated decisions about who…
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Francois Legrand
Okay Okay, you may be thinking that the Francois Legrand award has something to do with impeccable footwork or competition prowess, but in fact the Francios Legrand award is going to neither. Let me tell you a little story to preface the donning of this award…
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my effing finger (
If you’ve been climbing long enough to be off the TR then chances are you’ve had a gnarly flapper at some time or another. They suck. They hurt and they are an annoying little injury to your body’s smallest appendages (I HOPE your fingers are your smallest appendage). Flappers make you feel like you should be climbing but you can’t. You can do nearly anything else that’s related to a climbing day like carry a pack, hike…
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Our dear friend Lucas sent this to us today. It proves that in the end we climbers are a big bunch of pansies even though we think our acrobatics and abs are as good as it gets. It proves a man who works out in a children’s park can outdo just about all of us.
Click through for video.
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Alright everyone it’s time again for another super duper P&C mega competition.
New Years is awesome. You drink a lot of champagne (or sparkling wine…), you stay up later, sometimes you get to kiss strangers because that’s what you’re supposed to do at midnight. Shit I watched Limit kiss TWO girls at midnight one time. I’m still not sure how he pulled that off actually. Anyway, this contest has nothing to do with photos, captioning them, or sending them to us.
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Belaying for a sport climber is a big responsibility. It is something you should consider carefully before committing to it. Unfortunately, just like parenthood, the responsibility sneaks up on a lot of belayers who just aren’t quite ready for the emotional stress involved. Any belayer out there will tell you that sport climbers can be irritable (especially if not fed organic almond butter four times per day), selfish, and cranky. When their position on is threatened, they can get…
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Jeremy Collins
Chances are, if you’ve picked up a climbing mag in the past ten years or so you have no doubt seen Jeremy Collin’s art work. Not only does he monopolize the creative genius you see gracing your magazine pages, but he stinking rips too! Haling from Kansas City, this dynamo is a first ascent slayer, grabbing FA’s from Arkansas sandstone to Black Canyon granite. Always psyched for what’s next, Jer can do no wrong in our book. I pulled…
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If you haven’t been to the desert yet this season, there is something wrong with you. I haven’t been and there is definitely something wrong with me. Hopefully though, this will psyche you up enough head out there and stick your dirty little mitts in some desert gold.
Just remember kids, check your safety!
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This door leads to Awesome!
Well folks, if you want to know where it all starts and ends for the P&C crew, the Sundowner Saloon is it! If you ever wanted to know where our Whiskey Wednesday tributes were inspired by, well look no further than the Downer. It all started a couple summers back on a typical Wednesday night when Wig and I were looking for a watering hole post climbing day. We stumbled in to a little basement dive…
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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so the saying goes. I completely agree. I like all types of breakfast foods, pastries, cereal (hot and cold), and traditional eggs and shit. However, coming from the grand land of Oklahoma I have had my fair share of greasy spoon breakfast dining experiences. Our home state boasts the biggest population of Chicken Friend Steak and Eggs diners in the world, so we are somewhat of aficionados at eating what I…
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