Shit We Like: Prana
Yep, you heard me right, Prana! Prana has been making fully functional aesthetic clothing for climbers for the past 16 years. You’ve seen their poster boy sporting the Prana logo from Spain to Bishop and everywhere in between. Not to mention Prana’s other atheletes: Steph Davis, Katie Brown, Paul Robinson, Alex Johnson, and a host of others. Let’s be honest here, Prana makes THE male go-to short for climbing, the Mojo! I’ve never known a male climber worth his salt that hasn’t at one point in time owned a pair. They’re the real deal! › Keep reading
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Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?
In the illustrious words of Rodney King, “Why can’t we all just get along?” I think about this often when paroosing internet forums, blogs, and climbing websites. Has anyone else noticed that climbers can really be self righteous bastards? I mean, we have the ‘Trad is Rad’ crowd, the ‘I boulder because its the purest form of climbing’ dudes and dudettes, Alpinist light is right elitist, and sport climbing ego-maniacs. We all tend to think that are little niche of climbing is by far superior to all the other punter wannabes out there. › Keep reading
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Shit We Like: The Love Muffin
Coffee shops come and go. Nothing really distinguishes one from the other. Honestly, what do you need? Fancy Italian Espresso machine, check; young tattooed girl with a nose piercing taking your money, check; pastries, check; some indie bull shit playing in the background, check; wi-fi, check; awful pre-made microwavable burritos, check; and some strange “art” on the wall that I could have drawn with my big toe. Rarely do you stumble across something different and actually cool. › Keep reading
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The Lamb that was my Career…
Big Money!!!
Sacrifice: an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy OR an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to God or to a divine or supernatural figure › Keep reading
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Survival Guide: When you’re stuck in a city and no rocks to climb.
The only real options for surviving this epic situation: 1. Whiskey (LOTS!!!) and/or 2. .45 caliber pistol. You may need the first to gain the courage for the second. What is a rock climber to do when he/she is trapped in a line from that one CREED song “my own prison”? Whatever, how you get yourself into the mess is not the issue, you’re there! So, what do you do about it? Below is a short list of the top ten things that may be useful to someone in the above situation.
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Job Oppurtunity
No, its not another intern position over here at P&C, although we should have another. Our boy Sonnie has come up with a brilliant entrepreneurial endeavor of which I couldn’t let go unnoticed by our readers. So, here’s the link.
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Crag Exposure: Indian Creek

Old School.
If you’ve been to Indian Creek, Utah, then you obviously know it’s unlike any other climbing destination in the world! I think Indian Creek is where climbers get the egregiously abused term “splitter,” which typically means “that is awesome.” Aside from building climbing vernacular, Indian Creek is good for other stuff too, like beautiful wingate parallel sided cracks that you can climb and have fun doing so! So lube up your camming devices, learn how to fabricate tape gloves, and get your little red slippers, we’re going to The Creek! › Keep reading
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P&C’s Woman of the Year Award: Vanessa Compton!
Like super hot women that are really friggin cool? So do we, that’s why we celebrate Vanessa Compton as our P&C Woman of the Year. This teacher by day, creative artist and rock climbing crusher by all other times of day or night, has been a fixture on the front range scene for some time. However, come this summer, she hits the road with a vengeance, guard your projects because she WILL hike them. We chose Vanessa as our Woman of the Year because she embodies everything that is cool to us.
Interview: Adam Peters (Bronco)
Photos: Caroline Treadway (C-Note) and Vanessa Compton
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Shit We Like: El Rancho Escondido

It’s that time of year folks, the time of year where our little climbing community heads for warmer weather and tortillas. That’s right, Hueco Tanks! Hueco Tanks sits conveniently outside the border-metropolis of El Paso, Texas, where the tequila flows like wine and perfect sunny days of bouldering in the Park are near Utopia like. If you’re taking the time to spend the season down in Hueco, then you know how boring camp food can be night in and night out. Well, you’re in luck, you may want to treat yourself to a little bit of Southwestern cuisine at a local favorite, El Rancho Escondido… › Keep reading
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The Francios Legrand Award

Francois Legrand
Okay Okay, you may be thinking that the Francois Legrand award has something to do with impeccable footwork or competition prowess, but in fact the Francios Legrand award is going to neither. Let me tell you a little story to preface the donning of this award… › Keep reading
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