Archive for February, 2009
The Lamb that was my Career…
Big Money!!!
Sacrifice: an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy OR an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to God or to a divine or supernatural figure › Keep reading
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Whiskey Wednesday: Warm Weather and lots of others
We have been infrequent in our posting as of late and we are sorry. I would say it’s not like us, but it actually is very typical. All the same. Bronco finishes taking his BAR exam today after leaving P&C for nearly a month of studying. We are drinking heavily tonight in his honor, but not just his. I want to salute the warm weather we have been blessed with recently. It’s going to make things like the picture to the right more prevelent around your local crags. I also put that picture here because she’s A) hot B) climbing and C) I am hoping by posting it you all forgive our terrible lack of commitment to YOU, our readers over the last few weeks. › Keep reading
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Contest Winner
Another Organic contest is coming to a close. The jokes were pretty alright. I was impressed. I laughed a little bit even.
The joke I thought was the best though was leinosaurs.
“How is a wicked sloper problem like the hottest babe on the block?
Once you finally get your hands on her, you realize you can’t hold on for long; meanwhile, your friends have lined up for a turn, just waiting for you to get chucked like the last guy, no matter how heartbroken you might be about it.”
I don’t care if he may have borrowed it from DPM or not. It reminded me of something a friend told me the other day about dating in the climbing community.
“Wig, in the climbing community you never lose your girlfriend, you just lose your turn.”
Leino. Send me your address so I can hook you up!
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Sharma… really?
I saw these sitting on a table at the Rock Ranch in Hueco last week. I couldn’t really believe my eyes. Chris Sharma endorsing a bottle of pills that supposedly make you strong. I’m psyched for the man really. I’m sure he got a pretty penny for saying he uses Nutriex Sport whether he does use them or not, and seeing this gets me a little bit excited. › Keep reading
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Whiskey Wednesday: Climbing Champs?
If you don’t live under a rock then you probably know that the U.S. Bouldering Championships were this past weekend at the Spot gym in Boulder. If you paid any attention at all you know Daniel Woods and Alex Johnson crushed hard enough to clench the titles. Their accomplishments are worthy enough to drink to tonight except for the fact that neither one of them are old enough to buy their own alcohol. › Keep reading
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For Dummies
I was at the American Alpine Club library this afternoon looking for books on training for climbing. Now I realize that a sport climber looking for books at the AAC seems odd. But they DO seem to have every peice of literature ever written that’s remotely related to climbing. ANYAWAY, I came across this title. I had no idea that For Dummies was catering to climbers.
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Our homies are out in the great rock gardens of the southern hemisphere. They are romping around, climbing rocks and waiting out rain and instead of posting over and over again about all their exploits, acheivements and failures I decided to post a link to their blog so you can keep up with them yourself. So go check out Cedar Wright, Sean Leary, Renan Ozturk, Sender Films, and Tim Kemple and their blog to keep up with our totally hood friends grindin it out in Patagonia.
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Survival Guide: When you’re stuck in a city and no rocks to climb.
The only real options for surviving this epic situation: 1. Whiskey (LOTS!!!) and/or 2. .45 caliber pistol. You may need the first to gain the courage for the second. What is a rock climber to do when he/she is trapped in a line from that one CREED song “my own prison”? Whatever, how you get yourself into the mess is not the issue, you’re there! So, what do you do about it? Below is a short list of the top ten things that may be useful to someone in the above situation.
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Job Oppurtunity
No, its not another intern position over here at P&C, although we should have another. Our boy Sonnie has come up with a brilliant entrepreneurial endeavor of which I couldn’t let go unnoticed by our readers. So, here’s the link.
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- 24 Hours of Horseshoe Hell
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- Joe Kinder
- Katie Brown
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- Lucas Photo
- Maury “Zipper-boy” Birdwell
- Misty Murphy
- Prana
- Rocktown/Aaron Gibson
- s00kreem? huh?
- So iLL holds
- Sonnie Trotter
- Stefka
- Upskill Climbing
- Western CO Climbing Beta